
Looks like one of Thorid (I got her name wrong yesterday)'s daughters might have picked up her long life/ immortality. I thought I'd found one earlier but she died so false alarm, but Zalona is now over seven hours old, Thorid herself is now over 20 hours and still going strong, laying at least one egg per hour with no signs of slowing down.
Also when I went into Zalona's family tree I discovered her father Yasojiro (thanks for that mouthful auto namer) is also one of Thorid's children, he died at one an hour and 41 minutes though, so I'm now wondering if this mutation can be carried by male Norns but is only active in female Norns?
On further inspection it seems that almost all of Thorids female children have made it to the final life stage (Ancient), but only a handful of her male children have.
Hmmmmmm I feel like I need a lab coat now while I constantly mutter the word "fascinating"

As for Thorid, well she hit 20 hours old yesterday and is still laying roughly one egg an hour with no signs of slowing down, she did do something completely unexpected however and left the Norn Meso. 

In my previous mixed group of Norns, they'd hit a point where they'd all complain about being overcrowded and start pushing the doors and teleporters, this group not so much. Occasionally one or two leave to wander around the warp room or the bridge, sometimes would would end up in the Norn Terrarium or the Ettin Desert but they'd whine about being lonely and either die or come home, which led me to believe that Bengal Norns are more social than other kinds, so it was a little bit of a surprise to see Thorid, Naki and Sturmius casually chilling in the warp room!

The next time I checked up on our intrepid explorer, Naki and Sturmius had gone back home and Thorid had moved on to the Norn Terrarium where she'd been joined by her daughter Zalona (now pushing 15 hours old) and a much younger male Norn called George, who when I checked his family tree is one of Thorid's grandsons.

They seem to be rather happy in their new environment, and George seems particularly friendly with Zalona as she had laid several eggs and hidden them behind the rock next to the pond. It'll probably be a few hours before we get to see baby Norns running around the Terrarium as I hit the Creature limit a few hours ago and there are quite a few eggs stacking up around the Meso ready to hatch before any of these get their chance.

I do have a little bit of a conundrum though, what do I do if immortality becomes more common?
I would like to keep Thorid around, I've become really quite attached to her, but if gradually more and more immortals start appearing I'm just going to end up with a world full of the same Norns forever and I'll never get any more fun mutations.
Hmmm decisions, decisions.


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