Those Are Definitely Bruin Legs

So in yesterday's entry I introduced our first Norn with a visual mutation, Jiani, who despite being a purebred Bengal has somehow got Bruin legs.
I'm very curious as to how that happened as I have no Bruins in my world, and haven't since the previous run which ended in disaster when all of my Norns died of a bacterial infection.

As she got older it became more and more obvious what those were.
I decided to keep her in world until after her first pregnancy, unfortunately she didn't pass on her weird legs to her first born, but I figured she just needed a few more tries, so I exported her and started a side world by importing her and Xaver, our long lived Norn with 23 known children.

Within seconds of being imported they got to work!
Again the first born in this world didn't have her mother's Bruin legs either, I was beginning to lose hope but then Briala was born.

Finally another Bengal with Bruin legs! Briala was shortly followed by another two Norns who didn't have Bruin legs, so so far that's a 1/5 chance of passing along the legs, I wonder if this is the same for all mutations, if so that might explain why not all of Thorid's children gained her super long life.

My plan for the Norns without the Bruin legs is to raise them to adolescents and then export them, ready to re-import back into the main world at some point, but for now I'm still perplexed by the Bruin legs themselves.
I have seen other players have their Norns suddenly start being born with Grendel arms after a few dozen generations, Jiani is generation 39, and the Grendel arms thing seems to be some kind of weird mutation glitch as they have their own set of breed slots and should actually have their body parts appearing in the Norn population unless the player has been using the genetic splicer (something I have not done), so I think something similar to that must have happened here, in that for some reason the legs have phased to a different breed slot, although it is still a Norn one.

I've never seen anybody else mention having a mutation like this, but then most people play worlds filled with multiple different breed types rather than just the one like how I am currently playing, so perhaps this is a common mutation, people just don't notice?


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