I Guess They Weren't Immortal After All

Sad news in today's update, it turns out that Thorid's mutation was one of longevity not immortality, her, Zalona and George all passed today, Zalona first at just over 23 hours.

Thorid next, having reached 32, and finally George who I was not able to get a picture of, also just past 20.
None of the three's children that they had with them in the Terrarium seem to have inherited their long lives, but I did find one of Thorid's grandsons still in the the Meso.

As well as the exceptionally long life he's had 23 children born (likely there's more to come, there are eggs littered around everywhere!), so I made the decision to export him. I plan on re-importing him either to this world when this run is over, or to start a new side world with my mutants.
I know he's long lived, so there's a chance he can pass that on, but also I know he's an excellent breeder, and that's a good trait if I'm trying to breed from another female Norn with a mutation.

Speak of the devil though... No sooner had I exported Xaver but this little Norn hatched, now take a close look at her legs!
She has brown legs, they actually appear to be Bruin Norn legs, but I am positive I've only had Bengals in this run. 
Pretty fascinating, and FINALLY a visible mutation! 


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