I Can Norn A Rainbow!

Things certainly are getting rather interesting!
I had another few of purple ladies hatch yesterday! I still haven't managed to breed any rose or purple males, which is odd, but then the aging mutation seemed tied to gender at first also, so I don't know, perhaps female Norns are more susceptible to mutation?

Unfortunately this first two did the same as all my other purples had and as soon as they aged up to Youth went back to their regular orange colouring.

Then came Louise, who stayed purple through her Youth and into Adulthood, so I exported her and re imported her into Midgard, where she seems to be having a whale of a time laying a huge amount of eggs.

While she doesn't seem to have laid any like the original purples, that only change colour to purple for a brief window of time, she's only had one child that's inherited her purple fur so far.

Although she did have a child who started out as a rose coloured baby, unfortunately when they grew into a child they went back to the standard orange.


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