
I didn't get much of a chance to play yesterday but I did have Creatures 3 running in the background for a few hours.
In that time Thorid and George's first egg in the Norn Terrarium hatched, a boy called Enrik.  

The four also had a visitor, Gabi who doesn't seem to be that closely related to Thorid, she didn't stay long though, wandered around, laid an egg and then left through the bridge door, where last check she was wandering around trying to pick a door.

Getting back to George though, it seems he is our first immortal male. This may cause some issues if he's hanging out with two immortal females in that if both sides have the immortality gene, it seems to me anyway that there's a much higher probability of passing it on.
I'm trying to decide if it would be ethical to export George and Zalona into another world where I do still have Grendels roaming free to see if they're immune to their bacteria and punches.


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