Carel and Wesuri

So after yesterday's adventures with Bruin legs, once I had managed to selectively breed my Norns in Halla (my side world) to all have the Bruin legs, I returned home to Hella (my main world) for a while, after letting my Norns wander around on their own for a few minutes I popped in to find two rather odd little creatures!

First of all was Carel who for some reason had a Bruin head! And Wesuri, who was the first Norn to have exactly what I was looking for! A colour mutation!

I exported both and then popped back over to Halla, where I exported all of the male Norns in their tribe to give my mutants more of a chance. I imported Wesuri first, and he impregnated one of the females almost immediately, but I noticed an issue, whenever he moved, Wesuri held his hands up in the air, it could have been just a gait issue, but I'm fairly certain this is a sign something wasn't quite right with him. 

Before I had a chance to check him out with the hoverdoc he suddenly dropped dead. His baby hatched and does not seem to have picked up his colouring, which was hugely disappointing to me.
I then took the step of importing Carel, who as I'm typing this seems to be having a whale of a time with his harem. I am again selectively breeding, this time I'm breeding in the Bruin heads and legs, and exporting any children who only have the heads or legs.
Strangely when I checked out Carel's family tree, he appears to have the same mother as the other Norn that spontaneously had Bruin legs for no reason, which would suggest that for some reason the game was reading her as being a Bruin, I'm not sure why as she was definitely a Bengal! 
Hopefully another colour mutation will happen soon as I'm somewhat disappointed I wasn't able to breed some green Norns.


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