A Pride of Zebras

My goodness, so many mutations yesterday! My purples are pretty well established now, but I've also gained some turquoise females. Interestingly over by the lift there is my first shiny male Zebra, you'll remember I did have a green male Bengal but he died quite young, this guy though grew up and had lime kids, both male and female. Interestingly they stay a lime colour from birth to adulthood, most of my other colour mutations have either only been babies and then they've swapped back to regular colours, or they were born in their regular colourway and changed to something more unusual when they hit adolescence. Another couple of mutations I've noticed, no photos for these unfortunately but I had a Norn with Grendel arms, unfortunately he died very young, but I have also noticed my first (on either laptop) gait mutation, I've noticed a lot of Norns who seem to move everywhere backwards. It doesn't seem to be harmful to them in any way, but ...